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Join Our Book Club! 📚

  • EasyCatalan
  • 04:05
  • 1.057 visualitzacions
  • 87 m'agrada
JOIN OUR BOOK CLUB: https://easycatalan.org/bookclub HOW TO PARTICIPATE Step 1: Become a Member To join our Book Club, start by becoming an Easy Catalan member: https://easycatalan.org/membership Signing up is quick, and you can cancel your membership anytime. Step 2: Go to Discord After becoming a member, follow the 3 steps indicated in the “Discord” section of our membership platform to access the dedicated Book Club forum. Step 3: Get the Book Make sure you get the book, ideally before March 1. You can find it in physical format in local bookstores and public libraries, as well as in digital format (e-book) on the Internet. If you need help finding it, feel free to contact us! --- Host/interviewer: Sílvia and Andreu Camera and editing: Joan Subtitles: Andreu and Kerry #learncatalan #easycatalan #easylanguages